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The Hitch Hiker: Stephaniethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2558 words)

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Dec 02 2005Views / Reads: 3177 / 2660 [84%]Story vote: 9.19 (16 votes)
What was she running from?

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It had been a long haul from New York to Detroit and as I was putting gas in the tank I was debating on whether to get another couple of hundred miles under my belt or find a motel and sack out. My thoughts were interrupted by a voice from behind me, "Excuse me sir" and I turned around to see a very attractive lady standing behind me. "I noticed the Colorado plates on your car and I wondered if you were going to or coming from."

"Going to, I'm happy to say" I replied.

"Would you like some company? It can be a long drive for someone alone."

"Company would be nice, but I have a rule against hitch hikers ever since one of them robbed my brother."

"Do I look like a robber?"

"The girl that robbed him didn't look like one either."

"Can I buy you a cup of coffee and at least talk to you about it?"

Why not I thought, she was a damned good looking woman and I wouldn't mind staring at her over a cup of coffee. At the table she opened up her purse and took out a wad of cash big enough to choke a horse and ...

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