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The Hitch Hiker: Joycethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 3728 words)

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Dec 07 2005Views / Reads: 4217 / 3612 [86%]Story vote: 8.46 (13 votes)
Her fantasy grabbed her. What was he to do?

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My wife Joyce was a virgin when we married and I might as well have been one considering how little sexual experience I had. The novelty of sex itself kept us pretty occupied for the first couple of years. Most of our experimenting was along the lines of position changes - going from missionary to doggie style was a big thing for us. Thanksgiving dinner at my brother's house changed all that for us.

Thanksgiving dinner was a rotating family affair. One year my sister had the family over, then it was our turn and then the next year it was my brother Jeff's turn. Joyce's family was 1400 miles away so they didn't enter into the mix. Dinner at Jeff's was the same as dinner at everyone else's, depending on timing it was watch football and then eat dinner, eat and then watch football or watch football and eat at the same time. About halfway through the afternoon I began to notice that Joyce was a little on the nervous side. I also noticed that she was going to the bathroom almost once every hour and I started wondering if she was okay. After her fourth trip to the bathroom in as many hours I asked her if she was all right. She gave me an odd look, but said that she was fine.

It wasn't until we got home that night that I found out what had happened. Joyce had gone to use the bathroom and she noticed that there was a small magazine rack between the toilet and the vanity counter. She reached down and pulled out one of the magazines and started thumbing through it. It was a copy of Penthouse Letters and as ...

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