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A rough ride in the countrysidethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sci-fi/fantasy, 1573 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: bigdaddywolf
Added: Dec 11 2005Views / Reads: 2761 / 2090 [76%]Part vote: 7.75 (4 votes)
It's good to be the Prince

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Prince Dyllon had ridden all day. The countryside had been a blur as they had pushed their horses faster and faster. Not that he had cared to see it. He had seen it all before, many times and with that familiarity and the detachment that came with knowing that it was all his, or would be one day, made it rather un-exceptional. Finally they had stopped at a small tavern on the edge of a small village. The men were put up for the night in the barn as the tavern rooms were taken for storage and daugther of the owners. Only one room remained, claimed by the Prince of course. Dyllon made sure his men were fed plenty and provided enough mead to ease the discomfort of their lodgings. He was not a callous man after all. His men were hardworking and loyal and so he took care of them.

The Prince himself dined in front of the fire at the inn. Alone he drank his wine and ate his roast fowl. The daughter of the owner served him and kept his cup full. Occasionally the mother would bustle in or out doing odd jobs that needed to be done before bedtime. The young woman had eyes for the Prince that he could see as plain as day. And was used to seeing it. Wealth and power made him quite popular but he knew also that his good looks and blonde hair were quite appealing to the women. This one flirted with him when here parents were not about. Casual touches. Winsome looks. She spared nothing but when the wine took its hold on him and he started to flirt back she all but ran away. Especially the one time he grabbed her wrist and her mother caught site while bustling through. Naught was said of course. Not ...

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