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Making the Paymentthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 1517 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Dec 16 2005Views / Reads: 11934 / 10456 [88%]Story vote: 8.73 (11 votes)
Her mom owed me a couple of months worth of pay and she really needed some work done....

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Making the Payment

It was a Friday afternoon and as usual I was hard at work taking care of one of my bigger lawn accounts that I had. I was working on a few bushes and I looked over at the house next door and saw how the grass had grown very high. I had not cut the grass there in a few weeks because I had not gotten a payment from her in a few months. I new that I shouldn't have taken the account because she was a slow payer, but figured once the grass got high enough, I would see green.

I continued to work as I noticed a car pulling up in the driveway. I stood on my tiptoes to see if it was her that had arrived so I could go over and see what the problem was. As the door opened, her daughter came out and walked into the house. Of course my eyes followed her tight ass as it walked up the walkway to the back yard. Her daughter was about 20 years old and had one of those Asses that were perfectly round, and she also had these perky tits that you could suck on forever.

I was disappointed that her mom hadn't come home because I wanted to talk to her. I just kept on with my work as she unloaded a few bags from the car. I didn't know weather I should go talk to her because I didn't know if she could pay me. She finished taking the bags in and I got back to focusing on my work.


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