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Taxi!this story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 1329 words)

Author: Guinness
Added: Dec 21 2005Views / Reads: 2507 / 2224 [89%]Story vote: 8.38 (8 votes)
She gave me a ride, then gave ME the tip too

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What a wonderful time of year! The snow! The Christmas Trees! The Lights! The Decorations! BULLSHIT! It's feckin' cold, and I'm broke from shopping. Ho, ho, ho, BOLLOCKS!

I headed out from home on my day off. It's 3 days before Christmas, and some of my little cousins want some speciality gifts, so I headed over to the train station. Here in the Chicago area, we have a commuter rail system, so it's easy to make it downtown, without losing your mind in traffic. I'm just damn proud to say that Chicago has the 3rd worst traffic in the nation.

Bundling up for the cold, I threw my daypack over my shoulder, and headed out. Driving the 5 miles to the train station, didn't give me a chance to get warm, as my car didn't like being started in -2F weather.

I finally got warm on the train, and as we took the 45 min ride downtown, I amused myself watching the people getting on the train for their morning commute.

Young college kids with their IPod's fighting for seats with harried business men, on their mobile phones.

I sipped my coffee, and settled in for the ride. As we neared downtown, I became excited. I have traveled the world over, but their is still no ...

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