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Safarithis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 3503 words)

Author: Anonymous
Added: Dec 23 2005Views / Reads: 1750 / 1428 [82%]Story vote: 10.00 (1 vote)
Sarah and Beth have a great vacation with two handsome guides

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Sarah was excited about the safari trip. Since her divorce from her ex-husband, she hadn't really thought about having fun. Her best friend Beth had convinced her to go - she emphatically stated it was how she got over her divorce.

Sarah had never been to Africa. As the women got off the airplane, they drew stares. Sarah didn't notice, it happened all the time. As a model, she was used to attention and cat-calling. Her husband didn't understand and their marriage dissolved. Beth's attitude was more blasé over her own divorce. Sarah suspected it was because of her friend's unusually voracious sexual appetite. Beth was also a model. She knew she was beautiful and used it.

In fact, her last trip with this safari outfit was very rewarding in more ways than one. She remembered every detail of the two delicious guides sent along with her the last time. The generous tip she left with the trip concierge should ensure the same "success" this time. She thought Sarah was too young to be fixated on one man.

"Excuse me ladies, are you Beth Wainright and Sarah Renck?", a tall rugged man greeted them. He was tanned, his hair bleached blonde by the sun. Hmmmm, yummy, thought Beth, just what we need "I'm Alec and I will be your guide on this safari." Beth smiled warmly at him and he smiled back with a twinkle in his eye. "Let me know what you need and we'll try to accommodate you" He took the women's luggage, his muscles ...

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