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Giving in to temptationsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2283 words)

Author: Newcomb13
Added: Dec 23 2005Views / Reads: 2726 / 1521 [56%]Story vote: 9.00 (8 votes)
Two married people are very attracted to each other and after years of pent up frustration finally decide to take the next step to hot adultry

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They had timidly both finally decided to finally go through with meeting alone. We told our mates that we had to go to an out of town overnight meeting and would be home tomorrow.

We met up at a bar way out of town to break the ice with a couple of drinks. He slowly walked into the bar, glancing hesitantly around until he spotted her. She sat in a darkened corner of the bar where only the glow from the candle on the table aluminated her face. He stood still, knowing that once he took that step towards her, that the night was in motion for the both of them. As he saw her start to timidly smile at him from the corner he knew that it was the right thing to do and walked right towards her - comfortably knowing that not a sole in the place knew either of them.

The first thing he noticed was that she looked soft in the candle light, and it just made her seem so delicate sitting there, not 100% sure what to expect of the evening ahead. He smiled at her and gave her a big hug to break the ice and kissed her on the cheek. He singled the waitress and ordered two drinks for them. The Band/DJ was playing a nice song that they just listened to for a while. Not sure where to start their conversation. Finally, He said something funny and she started laughing along with himself and it broke the ice between them. After that, the conversation flew, with the 2-3 drinks they had, they were beginning to touch each other gently while they spoke with a hand on each other's arm, or on a thigh. Finally a slow song came on and he ...

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