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First time meeting from online datingthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 2775 words)

Author: snowflake
Added: Dec 27 2005Views / Reads: 655 / 501 [76%]Story vote: 8.25 (4 votes)
First time meeting from online dating

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Chat message:

How should we meet?

How about a baseball game tomorrow night?


OK, I will get us tickets and meet you there. Wear something sporting.

I will.

I send you the seat numbers and say your ticket will be in will call. I recommend that since you live in the same town as me, that you ride the train and I will get you home.

It is now Friday morning and I am so excited for the evenings events. I get dressed for work, toss some extra stuff in and head out for what is sure to be a long day at work. I have taken an extra bag to work so I can change before the game.

Of course the day is excruciating long. Then after work, I have 2 hours to burn before getting on the train to get to the game. It is finally 4 o'clock and the work day is over! I still have some time to burn so I go change into my shorts and a tank top since the weather is so nice. ...

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