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La Douzainethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 3504 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: pandsal Picture in profile
Added: Dec 29 2005Views / Reads: 1766 / 1267 [72%]Part vote: 9.00 (6 votes)
A wealthy English couple investigate the French sex scene and find themselves in a carefully controlled group experience

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A bead of sweat surfaced on the young man's temple, traced a path across his cheek and dripped on to his chest, apparently unnoticed so deep was his concentration on maintaining his metronomic penetration of the blonde woman who knelt before him. Each stroke was slow and measured, the full length of his shaft withdrawn and carefully reinserted. His hands on her hips drew her on to him, eased her away, then began the cycle once more. Since he had first placed his mouth on her vagina nearly half-an-hour earlier, they had coupled with silent intensity except for a few brief exchanges.

The man spoke again, a quiet command. He turned on to his back and the woman swiftly mounted him, using her hand to guide his penis inside her again. The change of position was executed with such smooth economy it brought a murmur of approval from the watchers in the shadows. At my side, Alan pressed his hand against my inner thigh. Even though we had both had our turn individually in the circle of light and returned fully satisfied, I widened my legs. Alan's fingers searched knowingly inside my knickers for my wetness.

The blonde was riding her partner with the same controlled certainty he had shown to her. Every calculated manoeuvre suggested two people in total sexual harmony developed over a long period of mutual exploration. Yet we knew this was not the case. The man and the woman - who called themselves Roland and Martine, although almost certainly those were not their names - had arrived with different partners who ...

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