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So Much To Do, So Little Timethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 2104 words)

Author: Guinness
Added: Dec 29 2005Views / Reads: 3609 / 3145 [87%]Story vote: 8.70 (10 votes)
My assistant and I have to work late on a project that's way behind schedule. That's not all that gets worked on...

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The Holidays could not come a worse time of the year for my business. As we are gearing up for the competition season, we have to work around the schedules of Families, the Holidays, shopping, and all the other goodies that go with that.

I was doomed. There was no way around it, I was going to have to take my assistant with me on this trip. Jen and I are more like partners. She and I were friends through college, and she has been with me since I started my business, 14 years ago. She's been there through the rough times, and we've seen each other through the worst of times. I helped her through an abusive marriage, and she helped me through the death of my fiancee, before our wedding. We have laughed, cried, won, lost, and everything else in between, together. Never have we been anything else, but the closest of friends.

Christmas was here, and I knew I was in trouble when I walked into our office. Jen, the one stable thing in my life, had music going from a demo cd of one of my clients, and she had my desk filled with show designs, and skecthes of corrections that might work. At least the coffee was on.

"Richard, what's the matter?" I had no way to explain it. The drawings, corrections, and changes were making me crazy. I sat down behind a pile of of layouts, roughly the size of Mount Everest, and sighed.


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