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Going Back In Timethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2260 words)

Author: Guinness
Added: Jan 02 2006Views / Reads: 1944 / 1693 [87%]Story vote: 8.50 (8 votes)
My high school reunion brings back memories, and makes a fantasy come true

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Time. Time is the one thing we can't run away from, no matter how hard we try. It's seems as we grow older, the years go by faster. I know that I sound like someone's parent here, but it was a simple e-mail that had started me to think about this.

"You've got mail." Those three words can hold promise, laughter, curiousity, or heartbreak. I opened an e-mail from an on-line service that tracks down hgih school classmates, and yes, I'd been found. I had recieved an e-mail from my classmates informing me of my upcoming 20 year reunion. Damn! Am I that old already? It seems like just last month that my friends and I were out goofing off, sneaking a beer, trying to get laid, and generally doing what all of us were doing back in the 80's. Listening to shitty music. Remember the music from the 80's? We had the crap that replaced disco. Our claim to fame... that, the Rubik's Cube, Pac-Man, and leg warmers.

Reading the e-mail, I thought back to what seemed like last week, when I foolishly attended my 10 year reunion. I flew in from London to attend, and ended up listening to everyone try to out do each other with where their resepective careers were going. Ah, I shouldn't bitch, it wasn't that bad. Actually, I did get a kick out of seeing who was pregnant, who lost their hair, and which one of the jocks ended up with a beer gut. Petty? Yes, but delightful in a way...

Had it been 10 years already? I responded that I would attend, and made ...

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