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Lady and the Dragon: Part Sixthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sci-fi/fantasy, 2635 words) [6/10] show all parts

Author: Inga Picture in profile
Added: Jan 04 2006Views / Reads: 267 / 241 [90%]Part vote: 10.00 (2 votes)
Kira and Arenth finally get to talk.

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Part Six:

Chapter Thirteen:

Braddox laid back in his bed, sweat cooling on his skin, and caught his breath. He heard movement and smiled, looking over to see his woman coming back from the outer room. As Head Commander, his quarters were almost palatial in comparison to the barracks. He watched as she sauntered back over to him, her own satisfied grin matching his. As Synda climbed back into bed he shifted to give her room, tossing the covers over her after she was settled against his side. She was a good woman, he knew he was lucky. They'd both had their hearts broken; love, disappointment, and regret weren't strangers to them. They each knew the other still loved another (or at least the memory of another), but they agreed that it didn't mean they couldn't be close. It just made them wiser. He tucked her against his side, idly brushing her hair back away from her face so he could see it better.

Synda smiled at the tender gesture. She really was glad she'd agreed to that walk with him a month ago... She got comfortable against him, letting her arm drape easily over his taut stomach. She never did get tired of touching him. She looked up into his face and seeing the cocky grin there made her laugh. "What?"

He shook his head. "Not a thing. Feel free to molest me as much as you ...

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