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A Room with a Viewthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 5031 words)

Author: pandsal Picture in profile
Added: Jan 05 2006Views / Reads: 2242 / 1902 [85%]Story vote: 9.33 (9 votes)
A rare glimpse into the extraordinary sex life of two ordinary people. Julian is a 51-year-old widower who, eighteen months after his wife's death, is seeking an outlet for his redisocvered sexual needs. The solution could hardly be more surprising

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More than a year on from his wife's premature death, Julian found himself increasingly thinking about sex. Adventurous though they had once been, during the later stages of their marriage, and especially during the last months of Joyce's illness, sexual activity had dwindled virtually to nothing. Julian had learned to go without, to put the idea out of his mind. But now, given his freedom, the old urges were resurfacing ever more frequently.

In theory, there should have been no shortage of opportunity. Julian was fifty-one. He had a successful business as a consultant drainage engineer; he was contracted to advise on a number of major projects in the public and private sectors. Money was not a problem. The funds Joyce had inherited from her father had passed to Julian; once probate was complete, he had sold their house in a village thirty miles from the city and moved himself back into the centre. He took a penthouse apartment close to the business area but with views over the river and beyond. One large room was converted into an office with a smaller annexe for his secretary. With his files and computers installed he was able, when not out on site or in meetings, to work from home.

Socially, Julian's life wasn't extensive - the dinner party circuit had only ever had limited appeal - and he was now confronted with the difficulty of finding an outlet for his sex drive. His brother, Edward, a corporate lawyer in Toronto, had telephoned one day to see ...

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