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Happy Birthday!this story is part of the FanClub (bi:first time, 4259 words) [4/6] show all parts

Author: bl00dm00n Picture in profile
Added: Jan 07 2006Views / Reads: 2187 / 1815 [83%]Part vote: 9.83 (12 votes)
After Lily and Joanna share a little kiss they decide to suprise David for his birthday. Feedback welcome!

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Joanna stared at her reflection in the full length mirror. Her pale skin was still damp from her shower and her wet black hair hung around her waist like a curtain. She sighed. When she had started dating Nick, she hadn't worried to much about her body's imperfections. He was a big guy, tall, broad shouldered, and he had loved the fact she wasn't eighty pounds soaking wet. She was a real woman, he'd said, with curves and padding in all the right places. She liked to cook, eat and laugh. And she sucked cock like a champ. In his mind, she was perfect.

But, then there was Lily. Lily was everything Jo wanted to be; tall, willowy and unique. Lily could shop anywhere and make anything look good. She'd once strung a few old neckties together and made it into a shirt...a very small shirt, but she'd pulled it off. Jo's breasts and hips made it damn near impossible to experiment. Or remain in fashion, for that matter. Her waist was thin enough, but she had to buy pants that fit her rounded waist and curvy rear end. Shirts that fit but didn't squish her boobs were hard to find, so all her blouses were either too tight, or two sizes to big. Which was why, other than work clothes, her wardrobe consisted of jeans and t-shirts. Not very sexy when she stopped and thought about it. Not very sexy at all.

Sighing, she reached for her brush and began the tedious job of de-tangling her hair. Jo liked her hair, but it was a little to curly to do anything with other than pull it back in a long braid. If she left it loose, it tended to frizz or get caught in windows or she ...

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