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Becoming A Slut Wife: Helenthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 3216 words)

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Jan 08 2006Views / Reads: 4147 / 3163 [76%]Story vote: 9.09 (11 votes)
She discovered she was a nympho and it was all his fault.

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The phone call was hoped for, but not totally expected. I had figured that the soonest I would hear from them, if they took the deal, would be at least two weeks away. But at eleven-thirty the phone rang and Mortenson said, "We are going with you Bruce. I've signed the papers and a copy is being faxed to you. You should have the originals by FedEx in the morning. Looking forward to doing business with you guys. Talk to you later." I walked over to the fax machine just as the document started coming in. This was the last of seven deals that I had spent the last five months putting together. Five months of fourteen and sixteen hour days including working in my home office in the evenings and on the weekend, but it had been worth it. I was a lock now for the VP of Sales slot and the salary, bonuses and other perks that went with the job. I stapled the package together and walked down the hall to the boss's office. I knocked and Harv hollered at me to come in. I walked in and dropped the package on his desk, "Mortenson - signed, sealed and delivered. If you have no objection I'm going to take a week off and see if I can't get reacquainted with my wife." Harv gave me a big smile and said, "You earned it. Take however much time you want. While you're gone figure out how you want your new office decorated - Mr. Vice President of Sales."

On the drive home I wondered if Helen would faint from shock when I came in the door. It had been months since I'd gotten home before nine in the evening and even then I had disappeared into my den for an hour or so. I guess I can honestly say that during those months I had been a ...

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