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Once upon a stripper......this story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 3281 words)

Author: -DarkPrince- Picture in profile
Added: Jan 11 2006Views / Reads: 4165 / 3574 [86%]Story vote: 8.94 (18 votes)
An interesting story of how I went to a strip club and found out just how much bang I got for my buck......

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After paying the doorman his 10 bucks, I walked into the club. The lights were down low with several strobes pulsing in each corner. The smell of smoke was more then apparent after the first few steps. I squinted slightly as my eyes adjusted to the lights and I could now more clearly make out the figures on stage. Strip clubs always made me think how does someone get used to just being naked around all those strangers. It had taken me a more then a few trips to a nude beach before I finally went in the buff.

I glanced around the room trying to pick out the right seat for me. A small side stage with only a few seats around it and up close to the action. Perfect. I made my way over to the small stage and took a seat. Reaching into my pocket and pulling out my cigarettes and lighter. I had no more then set them on the edge of the stage where there was a small lip for drinks. When I felt someone draw close and then the sensation of long, soft hair against my neck. Followed by soft lips on my cheek.

"What are you having to drink hun?" she asked me. I tilted my head slightly and looked at her. I was struck dumb. She was wearing a loose white top that almost transparent and a short black skirt with heels. Her hair was a dark brown and her eyes were bright blue. The contrast made her seem surreal. Her body was amazing, the way the clothes fit her and her lips a mild red. At first I didn't answer. I just stared. But she snapped me out of it when she asked again " What are you ...

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