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Jen's Birthdaythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 3392 words)

Author: Kev Picture in profile
Added: Jan 14 2006Views / Reads: 12108 / 10419 [86%]Story vote: 9.14 (14 votes)
Jen's friends give her the gift of bliss for her 23rd birthday. This almost-true story was slightly altered from the actual event, and the names have been changed to protect the deliciously wicked.

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I must begin this account with a gripe. The computer industry (and possibly all of Corporate America) really and truly sucks. It is filled with vampires, sucking away youth and energy as the little man strives to make a buck. Mooching bosses and demanding customers were slowly draining the life from me, and at 28, I often felt too tired to really enjoy myself.

This was obviously not very kosher with my girlfriend, Heather, who was only 25 and full of energy. She had the enviable position of working with friends. The high-end apartment business is no bed of roses, of course, but when your coworkers are all young and good looking it really takes the edge off.

Often, they'd go out drinking after work while I was stuck in traffic or working overtime. Yea, I may come off a little bitter and I don't mean to imply that I was not included. It's just that when you are a 28-going-on-50 hanging around a bunch of young 20s who are clinging to their teenage party attitudes, the age gap is exaggerated. They went out of their way to include me, but often I felt out of touch with the party spirit.

I actually had to work to keep up with them, both in conversation and alcohol consumption. But, looking back I'd have to say it was an interesting experience that I would have missed in my life had things been different. Or maybe my memories are all colored by one magical ...

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