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Soul Lovethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:interracial, 3216 words)

Author: Mag58 Picture in profile
Added: Jan 15 2006Views / Reads: 4544 / 3713 [82%]Story vote: 8.57 (7 votes)
Alice gets the chance to interview a Soul Star that she used to have a crush on.

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Soul Love

"Hey Alice!" Heather, the new editor shouted across the office, "You like that singer... Hank Brooklyn, don't you?" I looked up from my PC smiled and nodded in her direction. "You can have this if you want," she continued shouting, "It's just come in the post."

Heather was waving a CD and what looked like a T-Shirt in the air for me and everyone else to see.

I saved my article on a new gardening centre and walked to the other end of the local newspaper office that I worked in.

"Coffee?" she asked as she handed me the CD. "Please," I mumbled as I checked the track listing. It was a Greatest Hits album from a Soul singer called Hank Brooklyn who'd I'd been a fan of when I was a teenager in the late 70's.

"He's doing a tour next month with a load of other old farts and I've been asked to interview him on Friday." Heather laughed as she handed me the coffee cup. "It's not the type of music I like, so you can do it for me if you want."

"Yes please!" I gasped, a little too eagerly, "If that's okay." Heather shrugged her shoulders, "You like him; I think he's a fat old man - ...

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