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Zero Tolerancethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 17856 words)

Author: KK
Added: Jan 15 2006Views / Reads: 11503 / 9667 [84%]Story vote: 9.08 (25 votes)
Mark and Susan are happily married until the day of the Dyson Electronics party.

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Author's Note: Once again I want to thank Techsan for taking time from his busy schedule to edit this story for me. Please provide feedback. It is the only payback we authors get for our efforts. Thanks.

Chapter 1


I hadn't been to Jimmer's for more than a month but there I was sitting at the bar at two o'clock on a Wednesday afternoon talking to Jim Lucia, the owner of Jimmer's Bar and Grill. Jimmer's is the bar I had been stopping at after work at least once a week since I had started working at Dyson's Electronics twelve years earlier. During that time Jim and I had become pretty good friends.

Jim had asked me why I hadn't been in recently and why I was there in the middle of the afternoon when I should be at work. I asked him if he wanted the long version or short one.

"Start with the long version," Jim said. "If the story gets boring I'll ask you to switch over to the short version."

"I'll try to keep it from getting too boring," I said. "Of course you ...

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