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It was a dark and stormy nightthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 705 words)

Author: justfor fun
Added: Jan 18 2006Views / Reads: 1015 / 7 [1%]Story vote: 8.50 (4 votes)
The story is about a guy returning home expecting to spend the evening alone but is pleasantly surprised.

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It was a dark and stormy night (to steal Snoopy?s famous opening line)

as he pulled into the driveway of his darkened farmhouse, too large for one really but comfortable none-the-less. It had been a long week sitting behind the computer and small town living was not doing much for his social life.

Oh well, he thought to himself, it is better than the alternative, and there is that bottle of Cabernet in the cupboard, a big sirloin in the fridge and a good book waiting.

He entered the house, turned on the kitchen light, flipped on the radio to the local quasi rock station, opened the wine to breathe and pulled the steak out of the fridge and then headed towards the bedroom to change into a sweatshirt and comfortable pants in anticipation of an evening of self indulgence.

Suddenly he stopped. He could swear that he heard the shower running in the small bathroom off his bedroom. What the hell he thought to himself, I know I'm getting forgetful but to leave the showerrunning.....that's a bit much even for me.

As he got closer he could hear a woman singing to herself, the voice sounded familiar, although he couldn?t recall ever having heard her sing before. Hello? he called out tentatively. Suddenly the shower ...

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