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The Cock Reportthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 4567 words)

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Jan 18 2006Views / Reads: 4896 / 3987 [81%]Story vote: 7.65 (17 votes)
She was just curious.

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"Joey, can I ask you what sounds like a silly question?"

"Sure, as long as you don't mind silly answers."

"No Joey, I mean the question is going to sound silly coming from me, but I really want to know the answer."

"Okay Aimee, shoot."

"Do all black men have really huge dicks?"

"Jesus Aimee, how in the hell should I know that?"

"Well, you did play sports in high school and college and you were in the Army for three years so I know you have been in a lot of shower rooms with other men."

"Yes, but I didn't spend my time in those shower rooms measuring cocks."

"But surely you must have noticed something?"

"Sorry baby, but checking out dicks just wasn't my thing. What's this all about anyway?"


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