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The Lottery Winnerthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 1906 words)

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Jan 19 2006Views / Reads: 1942 / 1629 [84%]Story vote: 8.08 (12 votes)
Funny how money can change things.

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It was the last thing that I would have expected to find after twenty years of marriage, but there was no denying it. It sat there on the kitchen table waiting for me to snatch it up and tear it to pieces or burn it or do whatever it is that you do with things like that. I suddenly realized why Simone had been so happy and excited during the last week. I picked it up and read it for the forth or fifth time:

"Dear Ron, I am sorry for doing this to you, but chances like this only come once in a lifetime, if ever, and I'd be a fool not to take advantage of it. You have been the only man in my life since the eighth grade and even though I love you and have always loved you since the day I met you I am still curious about what else is out there and now I have a chance to find out. My lottery ticket, you know, the ones you always told me I was stupid to buy because they were a waste of good money? Well mine hit two weeks ago for 6.4 million. After taxes I collected 4.1 million. Don't be surprised when you get your next bank statement and see that you have a deposit of 2 million. Don't spend it all in one place because there still might be some tax liability, but the money people I have talked to say that you should be safe up to 1.7 million. I hope it's enough to help you get over what I'm doing to you. Simone"

Simone and I were both virgins when we were married. We raised three fine kids and started to grow old together and I had never conceived of having to live my life without her. Oh I knew that the day would come ...

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