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The Job Saverthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 5261 words)

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Jan 20 2006Views / Reads: 4730 / 3867 [82%]Story vote: 7.77 (13 votes)
Helping out her co-workers

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I sat on my couch and watched what was showing on thee TV screen in absolute disbelief. The videotape had shown up at my office in a package with no return address on it, but with a local postmark. There was a note taped to the cassette that said, "You are always bragging about her; what do you think of the slut now?" I wondered if the timing of the delivery of the tape had been deliberate. Pam was out of town on business and wouldn't be home until the next day.


Pam and I had been married a little over five years. She was my second and I was her third. I tossed the first one when she had our baby and it turned out to be black. I met Pam at a party and we clicked. Hell, from my standpoint we did a whole lot more than click. I wanted her from the very first second that I saw her and she did seem to be interested in me, but having been involved with one cheating whore I was all that keen on becoming involved with another.

I had no reason to believe that Pam was that kind of woman, but two ex-husbands did make me curious. Did they kick her out or did she dump them? I couldn't see any reason why any man in his right mind would let Pam get away without a damned good reason so I decided to check things out before I got myself in to deep with her. Everyone who knew her told me that she was twice divorced because she had caught both of them playing with other ladies. Satisfied, I put on a full court press ...

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