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No Foreplay Neededthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:fetish, 3476 words)

Author: SpankerSam
Added: Sep 10 2000Views / Reads: 2736 / 1782 [65%]Story vote: 9.00 (4 votes)
All day long, she's the boss. But she need to be taken in hand to find her pleasure.

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I entered the office and walked to the receptionist. "Mr. Sam to see Ms. Goodhouse." The woman checked her book, nodded and told me to have a seat. The office was neat, efficient and quiet. I noticed that each time the door to Ms. Goodhouse's office opened she was either on the phone or giving orders to one of the secretaries that went in and out like worker ants in a colony. They were the ants and she was the queen. After waiting about 10 minutes, I was escorted into her office. I looked around, not a pencil out of place. She nodded to the chair in front of her desk and told the secretary to bring me coffee. When the secretary had brought me a cup, she told her no interruptions for the next 15 minutes. I sat sipping my coffee. She looked at me and I got the distinct impression I was being examined like a piece of livestock. "Well Mr. Sam, that is what I call you isn't it?" "Just Sam is fine." "Well Sam. I contacted you because of your name and your profile. I don't need a relationship and don't want one. I enjoy spankings. Plain ordinary OTK, hand, brush, and/or belt spankings. I want what I want when I want it. I like them hard. From what you have told me during our e-mail exchanges, that is what you do." I sipped my coffee. I refused to jump to her tune. "That's correct", was all I said in reply. She must have expected more but nodded her head when I gave no more information. "There is a catch", she said. I lifted my eyebrow as I looked at her. "I enjoy role-play. You are the daddy I am the daughter. If there is going to be any sex after a spanking I will initiate it. That must be understood from the start. During the time we spend together, I will call you nothing but Daddy. You will never treat me in any way other ...

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