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Punishment for Playtimethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2209 words)

Author: Gyrl Picture in profile
Added: Jan 21 2006Views / Reads: 973 / 718 [74%]Story vote: 8.57 (7 votes)
My boyfriend finally gets jealous enough to get dominant. This is his side of our story.

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Her naked body writhed over my lap in pain and pleasure as I slapped my hand across her upturned ass. I wanted to punish her, shame her, but at the same time, I wanted to make her scream for more...


If you've known my girlfriend, Jaime, for any length of time, you know she loves sex in any shape or form. In fact, she was laying across my knees receiving punishment for just that reason. I know, I know, you want to know why I would punish my girlfriend for loving the very thing men are born wanting. Jaime has often been the dominant lover, the one telling me she wanted more.

However, recently, she has become more submissive, wanting me to take total control, treat her more like the slut she wants to be. I was having trouble with the idea of shaming her, calling her names, spanking her, getting a little rough. I mean, I was brought up to treat a woman with respect, not to tell her she's a fucking whore who deserves to be tied up and used. Ehem, okay so the idea always got me hot, but I couldn't bring myself to actually do it until I started catching her getting sexual with online friends.

I know she wanted me to catch her, see her in a state of arousal because ...

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