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Lady and the Dragon: Part Seventhis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sci-fi/fantasy, 3017 words) [7/10] show all parts

Author: Inga Picture in profile
Added: Jan 26 2006Views / Reads: 349 / 268 [77%]Part vote: 10.00 (2 votes)
Arenth and Kira manage to get a little closer.

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Part Seven:

Chapter Fifteen:

"Hey Kira! What you doin' in here?"

"Wow, look who's here! Hi Kira."

"Surprised to see you here. Mornin'."

Kira just grumbled her replies as she made her way to the wash house. She knew they were just ribbing her, but she wasn't exactly thrilled. Everyone knew she was on respite (word traveled fast in their close knit group), so it wasn't really surprise they were showing; just good natured teasing.

She waited for her turn at the wash house, stripping and bathing in the communal tubs quickly. The water was warmed by a crack in the cavern below, letting volcanic heat seep through. She always wondered how the water kept from boiling, but the stone room just felt steamy, like jungle terrain. Not the draining, ‘god please kill me now' kind of hot. After washing up, she dressed and made her way up the stone stairwell. What she really wanted to do was go straight to Arenth's nest. It was such an ingrained habit that she automatically turned in that direction. She caught herself though, and turned right instead of left ...

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