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Tamara Meets her Matchthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:bondage, 2878 words)

Author: Virgin Sacred Whore
Added: Jan 27 2006Views / Reads: 3128 / 2570 [82%]Story vote: 8.57 (7 votes)
Tamara meets a boy, and surprisingly starts to share their inner-most desires. It picks up after the first couple of paragraphs, don't worry! This is 'Romantic Bondage'.

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Tamara meets her match. Part 1 of ?? By: Pubes - titopbs <@> gmail <dot> com Released into the Public Domain January 26th, 2006

Tamara Never thought of herself as especially attractive, She would look at herself in the mirror, and say, I'm an Average girl. Like most Average Girls, she was envious of lots of other girls, who she thought had better features than her. She however always liked her ears. She thought she had really nice ears. She liked the way her ears looked, and the way they framed her face. She had a whole collection of earrings, she really liked those. She had long ones, and studs, and big dangly ones, and HUGE ones, that came down past her shoulders! The part she really didn't like very much was her knees. She didn't like the way they looked at all. So she always wore kinda baggy pants, or skirts that went down past her knees. But enough of this.

Now, before we get to far along in this story, we should describe Tamara. She really was quite a striking woman. She was pretty tall for a woman of 25, she came in at a little under 6 feet tall, and had this striking auburn hair. It was almost a golden brown, or as one of her boyfriends from long ago put it, 'Goldenly delicious'. It was long and straight, and came down mid-back. She brushed it several times a day when she could, and tried to take care of it really well. She ALWAYS brushed it before bed, and after waking up in the morning. The brushings helped soothe and relax her, before going to bed, and helped get her ready for her day. Some girls had Coffee, or tea to get the ...

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