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Gracethis story is part of the FanClub (ff:seduction, 3751 words)

Author: MaddyBlue Picture in profile
Added: Feb 08 2006Views / Reads: 1904 / 1565 [82%]Story vote: 9.64 (11 votes)
Grace is seduced by the reigning socialite of her home town, but she quickly finds the tables are gonna turn. Surprises await around every corner. This is the beg. of a series, so it starts slow. If you just want the good stuff skip to the middle.

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Grace knew it was wrong, somehow. What she was doing must be wrong. In the fury of the moment, however, she could not find a reason to stop. Indeed, Sandra was giving her every reason in the world to continue.

It had been ten months, eight days, and some few hours since she had last had sex. She couldn't reasonably be expected to turn down the opportunity when it presented itself. Especially when presented in such a nice package.

Sandra was a bit older that Grace. Sexy. Full of power and style. Age had brought wisdom and nothing else to Sandra's life. Two husbands and three children behind her and Sandra still looked ready to take on the world.

For now, Grace, would be enough for her to conquer. Grace was not one to go down easily. Even when she wanted someone, she reveled in making them chase her. She could make even the proudest lion give chase.

This one was different. Sandra was different. She had not even tried to entreat Sandra. Sandra came as a surprise, an ambush almost.

It was a formal occasion of some sort or another. Some socialite party or debutante ball. Grace didn't keep close track. She merely showed up when asked. She attended many of these things, primarily out of habit. Years of waspish upbringing and a short marriage to an oil heir had ...

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