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So that's why Brian didn't have a girlfriend!this story is part of the FanClub (mm:first time, 3009 words)

Author: Knob-Out Picture in profile
Added: Feb 08 2006Views / Reads: 2422 / 1994 [82%]Story vote: 8.72 (18 votes)
Geoff finds out why Brian didn't have a girlfriend and loves every inch of it!

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So that's why Brian didn't have a girlfriend!

I like girls, always have, end of story. Then why am I getting aroused at the thought of having a stiff cock in my hand? Just one moment of diversion from the straight and narrow and wham, I'm gay. This can't be right can it?

Look let me explain before you get more confused than I am at this moment in time.

I am one of 4 children 2 boys, 2 girls. I'm number 2 in the quartet. I've lived an ordinary life and undergone ordinary experiences, experiences that you go through as you grow up but all the time 'normality' prevailed. Whatever normality is or was.

When I was about 16, I was heavily into fishing. I would get up at some ridiculous hour to go and sit next to a lake and get bitten by gnats whilst I drowned a worm but caught no fish.

A friend of mine from school used to come with me, He was Dave and really fancied himself with the girls. Me, I'm Geoff by the way, was a no hoper where the girls were concerned. Yeh I had a couple of dates but by and large got nowhere.

Anyway it was one of these fishing trips that led me into having my ...

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