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Bitchthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:female domination, 1756 words)

Author: Male Whore and Gangbang Bitch Picture in profile
Added: Feb 14 2006Views / Reads: 1024 / 765 [75%]Story vote: 9.00 (1 vote)
Is he calling her a bitch or soon to be the bitch?

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I'd always thought that there were some things that were always right and some things that were always wrong. I guess you could say I am a little naïve living my life in black and white but that is just me. While I am speaking of me let me tell you about me a bit. I am 6' tall, 256 pounds, have long, wavy (read falling in ringlets) dark brown hair and am married.

Now I've always wanted my wife to be the dominant one in our relationship—dominant--as in my 24/7/365 Mistress/Goddess—but it just not her thing. She wishes me to be equal to her in stature and in all ways, however I find that I am extremely submissive to women. Any woman who knows my secret can control me quite easily just by using that knowledge, and her feminine wiles, to control me completely and without reservation.

I never thought it would happen, being the faithful man that I am, but some things you have no control over—especially when they have control over you—in this case the control belonged to a bitch of a woman with a desire to possess me and my cock!

It happened that one week I was alone while the wife was visiting her sister for a while. I fell into my old habit of going to strip clubs while she was away. Now, let me tell you, I used to be a bouncer so I know which ones are simply out for the money and which ones are out for the good time. It is the ones out for a good time, but not sex, that I ...

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