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Cindy s cinderthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 892 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Inthedeep
Added: Feb 17 2006Views / Reads: 956 / 3 [0%]Part vote: 7.00 (2 votes)
The lovely wife who because of neglect started loking out to satisfy her needs

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Cindy looked out of her window only to find that the snow had started making its presence felt and there was an appreciable nip in the air. Avish after that one off incident for some reason had left the company and she found herself back to the same old routine. She had thrown enough hints to Sam about her physical needs in a subtle and not so subtle meanner yet there seemed to be no response from him. He was either plain blind or to o obstinate to pay heed to her feelings.The cellphone ring shook her out of her thoughts. As usual it was Sam who was on the line asking her to come down to the carpark. Sam hardly noticed that Cindy was looking dazzling in a parrot green suit which highlighted her figure beautifully. He was more engrossed in telling her of his trip out of town over the weekend.Her gentle remindr that she had adjusted her routine so that they could be together, provoked only an angry response.

The next morning having seen off Sam at the airport when she recd a call from her brother in law. She now a days felt jrealous of her sister who apparently still had the attention of Sean her husband of fifteen years. Sean on the phone was telling her that he was outside their house and wanted to know if he could spend the weekend with them.Cindy was happy to have some company for the weekend and she was pleasantly surprised to receive a bunch of red roses from Sean as he greeted her.

That evening Sean suggested that they eat out and accordingly they drove out of town. Sean complimented her rd dress and told her that she had a ...

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