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The brat came backthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 2953 words)

Author: JL Picture in profile
Added: Feb 19 2006Views / Reads: 6496 / 5307 [82%]Story vote: 8.92 (24 votes)
The young girl next door comes back for more--with a friend.

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Melissa knocked on my door again the next afternoon. This time she brought a friend.

Her boyfriend.

I was already nervous enough. Melissa, the bratty daughter of the couple next door, had been locked out of her house yesterday during a rainstorm. I invited her in to dry off, and somehow we ended up having sex all afternoon.

Of course I told Kelly, my wife, all about it. We have a pretty open relationship when it comes to sex, as long as we tell each other everything. She got a kick out of my story and we had some good sex of our own that night. But I couldn't help worrying. Would Melissa keep her mouth shut? Girls her age love to brag. What if someone found out? What if her parents found out? They were big shot lawyers with big egos to match—it was easy to see where Melissa's attitude came from—and I didn't know if they'd get the police after me if they found out I'd fucked their daughter or just chop my penis off and claim justifiable homicide.

So when I opened the door and saw her, I got nervous. And, yes, hard. Today she was wearing tight slacks that hugged the curve of her hips ...

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