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Neighbor in Needthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 4915 words)

Author: Georgepat Picture in profile
Added: Feb 20 2006Views / Reads: 4275 / 3530 [83%]Story vote: 8.00 (1 vote)
Man finds lust with newly met neighbor

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A few years ago, I had some friends that lived above my property in the mountains. They were into the homesteading thing; building their own house, doing the wiring, plumbing and all the other shit that goes with it. They were from up north, but I didn't hold that against them, as they were friendly and anxious to please. When we met, I was on my four-wheeler, riding around in the forest between our houses, checking out a new source of firewood for the coming winter. I had stopped to smoke a cigarette, when I heard someone call for help. I ran deeper into the forest, following the voice, until I finally saw a man with his chainsaw lodged in a tree. He was trying to push the tree in the opposite direction, to take the weight off his saw so that he could remove it. I ran up to him and helped push the tree enough for him to retrieve the saw.

"Thanks for your help," he said.

"No problem." I replied, "Glad I was around here when you needed me."

"Yeah, I'm glad you were around too." He said. "I always have trouble cutting some of these trees. They never seem to fall where I want them to."

"It helps if you know what you're doing," I said, not unkindly. "It took me the longest time to figure it out and that was with a guy showing me how to do it." ...

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