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Typical Nightthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2938 words)

Author: EroticWriting1
Added: Sep 11 2000Views / Reads: 1498 / 925 [62%]Story vote: 9.00 (1 vote)
This story is about a loving couple and expressing their love for each other physically.

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The rain tapped gently on the window pain as the sky rumbled and crackled with the crisp sound of thunder and lightning. I clutched my blanket a little tighter as I laid there waiting for the sound of your car in the driveway, hoping you’d come soon before the clouds opened up and the rain fell in heavy sheets across the darkening sky. We had no definite plans for the evening, but you mentioned stopping off at the movie store on your way home to pick up a favorite of ours. I reached out to light some soft scented candles and your headlights flashed across the entryway and then flipped off as the sound of the engine cut away. Moments later, your soft footsteps passed outside the door as you slipped your key in the lock and walked into the room with your bright aura like the flickering light from the candle flame. You always brightened every room with your soft smile and twinkling eyes overwhelming me. No matter how long we’d been together, I’d frequently gasp at the overwhelming sight of your presence. I held my composure and attempted to rise as gracefully as I could from my chair to come and greet you with my gentle arms and soft lips, but your voice met my advances.

“Stay seated and relax, Sweetie! I’ll come to you as soon as I put this away.” You gestured to a large brown sack you’d been carrying, it’s contents a mystery as you walked away from my field of vision. I wondered what was inside, but sat quietly thinking you’d show me later. You reappeared soon with two glasses, a chilled bottle of wine in your hands and a mischievous grin across your face. Your tie was loosened ...

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