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Becoming A Slut Wife: Sarah (6)this story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 5081 words) [6/6] show all parts

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Feb 26 2006Views / Reads: 2201 / 1966 [89%]Part vote: 8.67 (9 votes)
She ends it - sort of.

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The next three months went quickly by. She was giving Tim all the sex he could handle, seeing to Dave's needs (and the needs of several of his better customers) and seeing Brian every Tuesday. The only fly in the ointment, at least from her standpoint, was that every time she tried to get something going with Melvin something always got in the way. Four times she was almost sure she had him alone, but each time either Dave or Jenny did something to prevent her from trying on Melvin.

It all came crashing down on a Monday in October. She got a call from Brian:

"We have to cancel tomorrow sweetie, and probably all the rest of our Tuesdays."

"Why? What is going on?"

"Tim came to see me this morning and asked for some time off. I asked why and he said he had some personal problems that needed to be looked into. I pushed him and he blurted out that he thinks you are cheating on him and he wants the time off to follow you and see what you are up to. I had to give him the time off sweetie, so watch your back. I'm going to miss you babe."

As she hung up her heart was beating fast. The one thing she never ...

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