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Billythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2260 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: Bittic
Added: Mar 03 2006Views / Reads: 1718 / 1326 [77%]Part vote: 8.33 (3 votes)
In the forest minding my own business and then this...

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Billy by Bittic

The early morning mist was just rising as I crested the top of the hill. Looking around the surrounding woods and open clearings, they looked empty of any creatures. I must have been more noisy than usual and frightened everything away. Oh well, it will soon warm up. Then I will work on my over-all tan. Perhaps I should have checked out the wooded area near the swimming hole first but I seldom saw anything interesting. Several times, early in the morning, I have seen a nice looking young man laying naked on one of the benches. He is not there every day.

I put down my pack and camera, and then decided to start on my tan now. All I wore was a flimsy pair of shorts and nothing else. If it were not for the law, I would be nude. Hardly had I reclined when my sensitive ears detected a rustling in the fallen leaves. Easing quietly over behind a small group of thick bushes, I got into a position to watch the advancing visitors. I didn't wait long.

They walked right out into the middle of the clearing and stopped facing each other. The man was the same fellow who frequented the swimming pool and is supposed to be an artist. That's what the talk around town is all about concerning him anyway. But the woman - wow what a looker! Short with beautiful red hair, a few freckles, gorgeous figure, and dressed rather scantily in short shorts and some kind of tie around her ...

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