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A weekend to rememberthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 3136 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Mar 05 2006Views / Reads: 12709 / 10927 [86%]Story vote: 8.43 (14 votes)
Went down to do a job for a old friend and while her husband was away, we had a good ol time...

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A weekend to remember

It was late wed afternoon and I was finishing up on a few houses. I had finally got my landscaping company kicking and had paid off all my debts, and was able to enjoy the money I was making. I had a pretty good size list of clients, but none was better than the house I was working at today. This home belongs to my old gym teacher from high school. I always kept in touch with a few of my old teachers, and she was my favorite. She was in her late forties, but had the body of a late twenty year old. When I was in school, I always got my gym classes changed so that I would have her as my teacher. I loved to stair at her as she always wore stretchy pants in school. She was in great shape because she went jogging every day and also did aerobics. Since I had first seen her in school, I had wanted her but obviously I couldn't do anything with her because she was married and had no reason to do anything like that. I was just happy that she had asked me to tend to her landscaping duties at her home. This way I could watch more of her as I worked. I finished mowing her lawn, and was sweeping up when the woman of the hour pulled up.

I walked over and greeted her and helped her with her bags. We made some small chat and then she went off into her home. I just watched those ass cheeks in those stretchy pants as she walked up to her door. She went inside and I continued to sweep up the mess. I then began to load my truck and trailer with my equipment, so I could also head home. ...

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