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The Mergerthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 5128 words)

Author: pandsal Picture in profile
Added: Mar 10 2006Views / Reads: 2698 / 2217 [82%]Story vote: 9.17 (12 votes)
Leo and Geoff are old friends whose firms come together in a merger that leads to more coming together than Geoff and his wife had expected. Fucking and sucking of acute imagination follow

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There were four of us at dinner. Leo and Trudy, a long-time married couple in their fifties, were our host and hostess. I was with Angela, my third wife, who was twenty years younger than anyone else at the table. At the end of the meal, when Trudy had told the staff they could leave and the port decanter was circulating, Trudy asked a question that led to a long silence. Before I come to that question, the situation that prompted it and the events that followed, some explanation is necessary.

Leo and I go back a long way. It was more than thirty years since we had first met at school. Since then our paths had diverged and come together again more than once. The attraction may have been due to the fact that we both came from ordinary backgrounds and made our way to positions of influence and affluence by sheer hard work. We were lifelong genuine friends, capable of sharing as well as rivalry. Perhaps one story will serve as illustration.

Although Leo is the intellectual, I was bright enough to join him at college. I was also realistic enough to accept that his first class honours degree and my modest second were what our respective abilities merited. To keep pace with Leo I knew I would have to run harder. I was prepared to do that and I have succeeded. However, to return to college days ...

Rugby was our chosen sport. Leo, even then twenty pounds heavier than ...

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