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After The Warm-Up: Panty Blackmailthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2598 words)

Author: Ms. Tees
Added: Mar 13 2006Views / Reads: 4323 / 3454 [80%]Story vote: 9.05 (20 votes)
When your husband gives you personalized panties, it isn't smart to leave them in the wrong places.

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(This is a sequel to poldyvirag's story, "The Warm-Up. (A Young Wife's Story)," posted March 1 in the Adultery category.)

It was the morning after I cheated on my husband for the first time. I got up early as usual to have coffee with Carl as he ate his breakfast. He was in a great mood. He had enjoyed our TV station's 25th anniversary party - loved the food, had plenty of the booze, and got laid. I attacked him in the car before we even left the parking lot. For weeks I had been worried about being dry when I had sex with Carl. He was always in too much of a hurry, and he didn't give a damn whether I was ready or not. So I started playing sex games with the station's hottest stud to get warmed up and wet for Carl. Well, I guess I never counted on being as warmed up as I got last night after the party. While Carl was waiting patiently in the car, Todd had teased me till the juices flowed, fingered me to my first orgasm in months, and fucked me to my second orgasm in months. So I had two people's juices inside me to smooth Carl's way in the parking lot.

I hadn't really intended my sex games with Todd to go that far. But he looked so hot last night, and the party had made me so horny. I just about tore his clothes off. The sex was far and away the best I'd ever had.

I wasn't certain how I felt about all that this morning. I'd have to sort it out later. Right now I was concerned about my panties. I had ...

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