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Hotel matethis story is part of the FanClub (mm:seduction, 2043 words)

Author: Passionbites
Added: Mar 26 2006Views / Reads: 4724 / 3814 [81%]Story vote: 7.83 (6 votes)
A chance meeting with another guest at a hotel in the lift, and its all the way "up"

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I was staying at a three star hotel in Mangalore during an official training program when this happened.

I got into the lift in the morning on my way down to go to the office. On entering the lift there were three men. A tall well built man with a cleft on his chin & a thick trimmed moustache who seemed to be the boss & two other relatively shorter and fat persons who seemed to be his subordinates.

I looked up into his face as I took my position before turning around to face the lift doors. He too looked down & our eyes met for a long moment. His lips curled into a smile which I returned.

At the next floor a group of seven or eight persons boarded who seemed like a family.

Meanwhile Mr.Cleft chin was talking in a gruff & very sexy barritone to his team. To accomodate the new comers I shifted closer to him having to lean on him a bit. He smelled good.

I lost my balance a bit in the jostling for space when a firm hand curled around my waist and held me. I turned around to look up at him again to thank him. He was smiling down at me. I tremor ran through my spine as he continued holding my waist even after I had regained my balance. ...

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