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Hospital Care at its Best!this story is part of the FanClub (fm:masturbation, 2997 words)

Author: Knob-Out Picture in profile
Added: Mar 30 2006Views / Reads: 8510 / 7875 [93%]Story vote: 9.00 (15 votes)
Craigs in hospital with 2 broken arms and a cock that won't go down ... Kathy agrees to help him out!

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Hospital Care at its Best

I've always had a hankering for motor-bikes. At 12 to 14 I would be at my mates' farm riding the most beat-up, dangerous looking heap of a motor-bike around his uncles; grassy fields, falling off more than riding.

It came then as no surprise to my parents when I said at the ripe old age of 16 I wanted to buy one. They of course tried to put me off the idea by telling me how dangerous they were and how they much preferred the idea of me waiting to get a car in a years time.

Me knowing more than my parents, like all kids do, went ahead and bought one. A BSA 250cc solo machine that was to become my pride and joy..... that was until I hit a truck up the backside and broke my collar bone.

Sounds of ‘I told you so' rang in my ears emanating from the direction of my parents.

Not to be deterred I eventually bought another bike and all went well for some years until a horrible day in London.

The weather was atrocious with high winds, teaming rain and poor visibility, all in all a typical summer's day in England some may say!


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