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Ellie-Maythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 948 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: JenniGee Picture in profile
Added: Mar 30 2006Views / Reads: 911 / 3 [0%]Part vote: 9.00 (9 votes)
An awful accident leaves her alone and broke - what can she do to provide for her baby?

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Before opening the door to the phone kiosk I look around. Why? I am about to place my "card" in there, yet I look to check that no one sees me! Nobody around here knows me but still I am scared.

Danny my sweet man, I said that I would never have another man touch me; touch me in the places that you caressed. Places that you kissed so delicately. The place where we consummated our deep love for one another. But now I am desperate! There is no money and we have to live. I must provide for junior. Yes Danny, Junior! That night that you left. That final night, that final time I was to feel your love for me and in me.

I know my sweet lover that I agreed that we would wait to make a family; until we were financially secure, and we were heading close to that goal. You worked so hard and even your family was impressed at how well we worked at our marriage and our lives. It had been difficult to convince them that the difference in our ages would not matter.

At sixteen I was a naïve, tiny girl who looked no more than twelve; five foot tall in my bare feet, eighty-four pounds naked. Ten years older, when you stood beside me your six foot, two-twenty-five pound frame made me look insignificant but you made me feel ten feet tall and the most gorgeous creature in the world. Yes, with your encouragement I ...

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