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The EMT Chapter 7this story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 13491 words) [5/8] show all parts

Author: Absolute Rotter
Added: Apr 01 2006Views / Reads: 2118 / 1725 [81%]Part vote: 10.00 (8 votes)
Suzanne's contract is agreed, and she meets the EMT. John gets what he has waited for.

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WARNING: I'm attempting to write a detailed story that is real rather than contrived, erotic rather than vulgar, psychological and physical rather than purely physical. This means that some Chapters have rather less of the rumpy-pumpy than some readers look for.

I am also writing a story about a married couple who are deeply in love, but who willingly and knowingly allow themselves to follow an erotic journey, which involves other partners, submission and control. I am not making a statement about the sanctity of marriage; these things happen, I know, I have followed a similar journey with my wife of more than 30 years, without it damaging our relationship in any way.

I try to warn readers about the content by publishing in appropriate places, under appropriate headings.

If you feel that you need more of the rumpy-pumpy than my stories will provide, or that you might be offended by stories about married couples that experiment with and extend their relationship, then please consider carefully before reading. Read it with pleasure having heeded the warning, but then don't, please don't, flame me or mark the story down if you find that it doesn't satisfy your particular tastes or prejudices.

Thank you. I genuinely hope that all my readers will enjoy the experience, but recognise that there is "nowt so queer as folk", and I ...

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