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The Ledgerthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 3746 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: pandsal Picture in profile
Added: Apr 01 2006Views / Reads: 2411 / 1901 [79%]Part vote: 9.00 (2 votes)
Anna, my Greek wife and I, are retiring to her homeland, taking with us the Ledger which records how we stumbled by chance into the role of amateur sex therapists; two contrasting cases recorded in the Ledger show how we influenced the sex livesof othe

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The weather was warm for the time of year. The woman wore a dark print dress, dark stockings and matching shoes with a medium heel. Her partner was in an open-necked shirt under an expensive casual top, grey slacks. They were both in their forties, well groomed and seemingly slightly nervous. I wondered what the woman was wearing underneath the dress. Some of the couples who had come to us in the past had been surprisingly unconventional. If in this case I was not optimistic, I also knew from experience that the more defensive ones were often those who provided the greatest satisfaction during the progress from extreme initial caution to ultimate release.

All this happened nearly two years ago. It is a case chosen more or less at random from the file we refer to as The Ledger, the only record of our activities. Normally The Ledger resides in a locked safe but has now been withdrawn as a consequence of our big upheaval. By the time you read this we will have begun to settle into our new home in the Greek islands where Anna, my dear wife, was born. The combination of a homecoming for her, a warm sun in a blue sky and a less punitive tax system will have proved irresistible. Once we are settled, we will seek to offer help to needy couples in our new surroundings or, more probably, on the easily accessible mainland.

We try to avoid labels but I suppose you could best describe us as amateur sex therapists. It's a role we stumbled into by accident. The estate agency I set up with money my father gave me flourished ...

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