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The Boys At The Frat Housethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 1757 words)

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Apr 02 2006Views / Reads: 5484 / 4754 [87%]Story vote: 8.14 (14 votes)
The boys at the frat house had a good thing going.

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The Boys At The Frat House By Just Plain Bob

Stephanie and I had been living in Houston in a rented apartment when her parents died in an automobile accident. In their will they left Steph their house in a college town that I will not name and we flew back to put the house on the market. Once there we found that the job market was good and that work in both our fields was plentiful and so we decided to keep the house and relocate. The house was located on a street that was known as "fraternity row" since two thirds of the fraternity and sorority houses were located on it. Our house was about an eighth of a mile from them and it meant a lot of traffic on the street, especially on Fridays and Saturdays, but that was pretty much the only drawback to living there.

There was one more drawback to having the house, but only from my perspective. The apartment that we'd had in Houston didn't allow pets and having a house meant that Steph could now have a dog. Now, I don't dislike dogs, I just don't want one. Cats are fine because they don't require much in the way of care. Keep the food dish full, the water dish full and the litter box clean and a cat will take care of itself. The same thing can't be said for a dog. Dogs have to be walked, taken outside three or four times a day so they can dump in the yard, which eventually you will have to clean up. If you want to go away for the week end the cat can be left behind at home, but with a dog you either have to take him with you, find someone to dog sit or take him to a ...

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