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Ellie-May Part 2.this story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 939 words)

Author: TDwriter Picture in profile
Added: Apr 02 2006Views / Reads: 463 / 278 [60%]Story vote: 7.67 (6 votes)
Please take a moment to read "Ellie-May" by JenniGee, Mar 26 2006. I was moved by it and wanted to add some more. JenniGee has approved what follows. A young woman mourns for her mentor.

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Part Two............Fifteen years on.

I sat sobbing in our Solicitors office. My beloved mentor had succumbed to the insidious cancer that slowly stole his life from me. Again I had lost someone near and dear. Someone who had loved me as Danny had loved me, deeply and truly.

The thick envelope sat in my lap. I thanked the solicitor for his kindness and the envelope which had but one word on it "Mystique". A pretty secretary saw me out of the office and to my car, where Davis stood with the passenger door open. I slid into the seat and sat back, my face wet with tears. Silently, Davis drove home. The long winding drive through the countryside seemed like a comforting wrap, protective in its quietude.

Once home I settled myself in our bedroom, in my comfortable chaise, and waved Davis away for the day. I wanted to see what the envelope contained and would worry about the business dealings later.

I slid an ivory paper knife across the top of the envelope. Reaching inside, I found a slightly smaller envelope which obviously contained a few pages. On the outside of it was written in a very shaky hand "To be opened in the event of my death". Tears welled up again. I opened the second envelope, pulled out the contents and smoothed the pages on my lap. I began to read the handwritten letter. ...

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