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Lady and the Dragon: Part Eightthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sci-fi/fantasy, 3781 words) [8/10] show all parts

Author: Inga Picture in profile
Added: Apr 04 2006Views / Reads: 290 / 240 [83%]Part vote: 10.00 (1 vote)
Synda helps Kira get ready for her plans with Arenth. Meanwhile, someone else has a surprise planned too...

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Part Nine:

Chapter Seventeen:

Thank god, it was the last day! Kira woke early that morning, barely able to contain her excitement. She hurried down to the wash house, rushing through her bathing. She practically ran to breakfast, barely paying any attention to those who tried to talk to her. They all knew why though, and just laughed and shook their heads. They understood. Everyone knew she'd been on reprieve, and no rider enjoyed it. Ever. So they knew how she felt. What they didn't know was the whole reason though. She was practically floating as she made her way to a wooden table. Tonight, she had a date... She felt the stupid urge to giggle at the thought. ‘Date' just sounded so... so girlish, but what else could you really call it? Making plans to go to dinner with a man. That pretty much defined the word right there, she thought.

"Careful, don't look too excited," Synda murmured to her as she slipped onto the bench next to Kira and set her tray down. Synda could plainly see her friend's excitement, and she was worried that a certain sexy commander would see it too, and rethink letting her off reprieve.

Kira jumped a little, then laughed as she turned to her friend. Seeing the honest worry on her face calmed her some, but she hastened to tell her, "It's not just about the reprieve, Syn. A-" she cut herself off at ...

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