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Just Getawaythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 2473 words) [1/5] show all parts

Author: Drdlove
Added: Apr 06 2006Views / Reads: 6911 / 6083 [88%]Part vote: 8.82 (40 votes)
We take a trip to get awy from the Kids and Tricia leaves her inhibitions at home. Trying things she'd never tried, but this is vegas.

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So there it was, in a flash decision we'd decided that it was about time to go on a holiday. Just the two of us without the kids. A well deserved holiday at that.

Tricia had been working her tail off, quite literally learning a new job as a nurse in a care home. The new stresses and active lifestyle she was now leading had caused her to drop a few pounds and though she is naturally beautiful with a voluptuous chest and a small waist, and a terrific little butt, she had recently dropped 15 pounds.

She'd also taken to tanning and spending a little more time with her hair and make up each day. Her new figure, lead her to buy new, sexier clothes too. Nothing to revealing but fresh and young.

I had been putting in extra hours on the many extra-curricular activities that keep me busy too. We had not seen much of each other lately and I think the feeling is mutual when I say, we were both feeling a little distance between us.

We chose to Fly to Vegas for 4 days and spend our time at a premier hotel on the strip. We like Vegas because a 4 day holiday always feels like it's been a week. Our hotel had a great spa so we decided to spend our time at shows or in the spa.

We checked in on the Thursday afternoon, and after marvelling at the ...

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