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Sophies Need.this story is part of the FanClub (bi:first time, 2542 words)

Author: Kya
Added: Apr 12 2006Views / Reads: 5045 / 3965 [79%]Story vote: 9.57 (7 votes)
Kya's long time friend Sophie is unhappy in her marriage and she confides to Kya that she wants to sleep with her.

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This morning came way to early. Last night we had stayed up late looking for a new play thing. Things were getting stale. I wasn't enough entertainment any longer. Sitting side by side on the couch lap top out perusing chat rooms. I can't tell you the last time I had tried that hard to get off, and try was as far as I got. It was pathetic. I am a sexy woman, why was I having this much trouble. I felt completely and utterly repulsive.

A good friend of mine and I were supposed to go out to dinner tonight maybe I would ask her opinion. The last half hour of my day was useless all I was, was horny. Quarter till the day was over and my bouncing legs walked them selves into the ladies room. One leg propped on the seat, my hand immediately delving into my wet pussy. I was so primed that it took me less then a minute and I was sucking my lower lip into refrain from moaning to loudly. At least that would take the edge off. Straightened out my skirt, and washed my hands. It was time for dinner.

We met at the same place we always do. Sophie and I had been friends for years but we only got together every couple weeks to catch up. We had experimented with each other years ago, me and Riley being the only women she had been with. We never talked about it. It never happened. She was straight laced, wore white cotton panties, and only thought of her husband and kids. Being sexy had left her repartee. If you looked you could still see how beautiful she was. She was compact and firm ...

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