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The EMT Chapter 8this story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 6236 words) [6/8] show all parts

Author: Absolute Rotter
Added: Apr 13 2006Views / Reads: 1629 / 1319 [81%]Part vote: 9.45 (11 votes)
More of the adventures of Ian and Suzanne

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As John recovered from this epic and first sexual experience with Suzanne, the enormity of the event started to impress itself on the mind of Suzanne. Ian was at home waiting for her; wondering what she was doing or being made to do. She had just committed adultery for the first time in her married life, with her husband's best friend and colleague; someone he would see at work the next morning, and who would, she knew, tease Ian with having fucked his wife. She was filled with his sperm, already starting to leak from her gaping pussy as his erection subsided, and coating the inside of her thighs, staining the tops of her stockings. Worse, she had done it because Graham Leicester had told her to. She suddenly realised that she was far more possessed by Graham Leicester, far more submissive to him, than she had ever intended to be. Even in the post-coital wind-down to her very satisfying orgasm, she derived pleasure from doing what he demanded, from pleasing him, from being his to command, and she knew that the next time he commanded her, she would do exactly as he ordered. She was powerless to resist. She admitted to herself, reluctantly, that if he ordered her to abandon her husband and daughter, never to see them again, she must do as he asked, and she knew she would be excited whilst doing it.

The door opened, and Graham Leicester re-entered the room.

THE EMT Chapter Eight


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